Wednesday 22 May 2013


I was paging through a book the other day and this sentence caught my attention “God is closer to sinners than saints”.  The thought crossed my mind that it was a good thing as I doubt very much whether I will ever achieve the status of sainthood in this life time!
It carried on to say:
“God, up there, in heaven,
Is holding onto each person with a string.
Every time you sin, you cut the string;
But God fixes the string again, with a love knot.
Since this knot makes the string shorter,
You are also a bit closer to God.
Thus each sin cuts it,
And each cut means a knot,
And each knot draws you closer to God”.1

Imagine yourself standing on the outstretched palm of God’s right hand here on earth, around your waist is tied a rope which is attached to God’s left hand in Heaven.  Every time you sin it is like you have taken a scissor and cut that rope but instead of plunging to your death you are supported by the hand underneath you. 
As you confess your sin to God “He is faithful and just and will forgive your sins and purify you from all unrighteousness”2.  God then reaches down with His left hand, to which our rope was attached, picks up our dangling piece of rope and ties the two pieces together with a love knot. He actually says in His word that He leads us “with ties of love”3. As His left hand goes back up to Heaven, the string tightens and He lifts His right hand a little higher so our feet are still firmly supported on His hand and we are drawn closer to Him.
Ephesians 5 states “Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love.”4
If we follow this command we will find that as time goes by we will sin less and less and therefore God won’t have to make as many love knots in the rope which is a very good thing because the shorter that rope gets the closer we get to heaven and the nearer we are to meeting God face to face which will mean we are dead!  God says to us “I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction.  For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in His ways, and to keep His commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you”5

1Praying Body and Soul, Methods and Practices of Anthony de Mello
21 John 1:9, Paraphrased, Holy Bible, NIV
3Hosea 11:4, Holy Bible, NIV
4Ephesians 5:1, Holy Bible, NIV
5Deuteronomy 30:15 & 16, Holy Bible, NIV


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