Once again I stand in awe and amazement at how great our God
is. We have recently had five new
additions to our family. On the 16th
September our dwarf rabbit gave birth to five little rabbits!
We got Snowflake (Snowy for short) in January this year.
In April my youngest daughter and I went to the pet shop to buy some rabbit food. There was a rabbit hutch at the entrance to the pet shop and inside was the cutest little dwarf rabbit. They allowed my youngest to hold the rabbit and she never put it down again! After paying for the food and the rabbit we drove home and Frodo joined our family.
My husband has forbidden us to ever set foot in a pet shop again and told us that from now on we have to buy rabbit food from the local super market!
A day before the babies were born Snowy started to pluck her fur out with her mouth and 'spit' it into the tray they slept in. In some places on her body she had blood spots from pulling the fur out and her little body looked 'denuded'.
On Tuesday when our youngest went to change their water and food before school she gave a shout and we all rushed outside to see five, squirmy little beings wriggling around in the tray covered with the fur that Snowy had pulled from her own body.
As we daily watch these little things grow I marvel at how much detail and thought God put into His creation. The fact, that purely out of instinct (placed there by God), Snowy knew that she had to pluck her fur out, in order that the babies could be kept warm. The fact, that they are growing and thriving means that she is feeding them on a regular basis, and yet no-one has shown her what to do. We were privileged to watch her feeding them one morning.
Way back at the beginning of creation God said "Let the land produce living creatures ......God made ...all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good." (Genesis 1:24,25)
As I watch this miracle of birth and growth unfolding daily my heart echoes what the Psalmist said:
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.
His love endures forever.
To Him alone who does great wonders,
His love endures forever.
And who gives food to every creature
His love endures for ever.
(Psalm 136)
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